The Deadly Side Effects of Drinking Soda
by Dr. Bruce Figoten
It is widely known that soda, diet or otherwise, is bad for your health.Drinking just one can a day will produce a few negative effects. The effects of soft drink consumption on the human body is downright scary.
Sodas have high levels of sugar, acids, preservatives and other harmful ingredients that cause more damage to the body than just expanding the waistline. Long term use can eventually lead to stroke, kidney stones and dementia to name a few. The rest of my article will inform you on what can happen to the body long-term for those who regularly drink soda.
A UCLA study found that consuming excessive amounts of sugar reduces the production of a brain chemical that helps us form new memories. Without this chemical, our brains can’t form new memories and we can’t learn (or remember) much of anything.
Believe it or not, sugar is not the only harmful substance in soda that affects dental health. A study published in the Academy of General Dentistry journal found that drinking soda is nearly as harmful for your teeth as drinking battery acid. That’s because soda actually contains acid in the form of citric and/or phosphoric. Also, diet sodas are even more acidic than regular sodas. Another study found that soft drinks are among the most significant dietary sources of tooth decay. All this can eventually lead to tooth loss.
Recent research has shown a correlation between soda consumption and heart disease. A Harvard study found that one daily 12-ounce serving of regular soda “was linked to a 19 percent increase in the relative risk of cardiovascular disease.” However, others say that diet sodas are much worse on the heart. One study from the University of Miami found that those who had a daily diet soda habit had a 61 percent increased risk of “cardiovascular event.”
Drinking too much soda can increase the risk for developing asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). This is due to sodium benzoate, a preservative in soda.
Several studies have linked soda to osteoporosis and bone density loss. Phosphoric acid may be the blame for this. Caffeine may also be the culprit as it is known to interfere with calcium absorption.
The high levels of phosphoric acid in colas have been linked to kidney stones and other renal problems, but diet cola is most likely to have a negative effect on kidney function.
The risk becomes higher with those that drink more than two sodas a day.
Digestive system
Anyone who has any digestive issues to begin with, consuming soda will only add to their troubles. The carbonation can irritate the digestive system. It can also cause a buildup of excess gas in the abdominal area, leading to bloating, cramping and pain.
I found this one statistic regarding weight. It stated that drinking just one soda a day is equal to consuming 39 pounds of sugar per year. This is one of the main reasons drinking sodas is strongly linked to obesity.
For those of you who consume sodas on a daily basis, I hope this article will give you reason to stop. There are so many other beverages available that are less dangerous for your health.
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Dr. Bruce Figoten is a long-time member of the MCLA Sacred Path family and has been a tribe leader and valued mentor to other men on the mountain for over 16 years. His expertise and background as a chiropractic doctor and college pharmacy professor have been supplemented by real-life physical and emotional challenges he’s overcome himself including divorce, open heart surgery, diabetes and sleep apnea.
Dr. Bruce Figoten and Dr. Michael Lewis head up a team of MCLA men’s health professionals who facilitate a special panel discussion at each Sacred Path men’s retreat dealing specifically with men’s health issues and solutions for male health challenges. No topic is off-limits. Make plans now to join us for our next Sacred Path Men’s Retreat on the mountain.