Archive for January 2016

7 Things Every Guy Wants to Experience Once in His Life

7 Things Every Guy Wants to Experience Once in His Life  If you are a man who’s wondering whether or not you should go for it, the answer is YES. by Kimanzi ConstableThe Good Men Project One of life’s great pleasures is what we experience. The things we do and the memories we make will…

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55 Life-Changing Truths To Empower Your World

View fullsize 55 Life-Changing Truths To Empower Your World  by Aletheia Every year is like the moon and its cycles. Sometimes we wax into the fullness of our life experience, embodying everything that we have learned. Other times we wane, returning back to the primitive soils of growth, discovery and self-cleansing, stripping away everything…

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8 Free Activities that are Great for the Soul

  8 Free Activities that are Great for the Soul by Lidiya None of these eight activities require much effort or money. But they’re all pleasant, productive ways to spend free time, and they can make you healthier, happier, and more successful in the long run. Here’s a list of the most soulful and…

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16 Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life

View fullsize 16 Affirmations To Supercharge Your Life by Rachael What’s the point of an affirmation? A few years ago, I wasn’t sure of the purpose and didn’t think affirmations could really change anything. After all, they’re just words, right? Words, yes. But the meanings behind them are much more powerful than I realized.…

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