Archive for October 2015

Director’s Message – November, 2015

View fullsize As the Sun rises in the East, calling in the four directions Sunrise ceremony at the Point.   November 2015 Greetings Sacred Path Community, By all accounts our 28th Annual Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat was a huge success.  We had 48 in attendance, which included a staff of 17 and 31 participants. …

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Four Ways to Become a Better Man

FOUR WAYS TO BECOME A BETTER MAN by wikiHow Like it or not, it takes more than a pair of cojones to achieve manhood. Cultures around the world have rites of passage to symbolize it, as well as customs to preserve it. This article focuses on the journey from boyhood to manhood, rather than any…

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The Ultimate Dog Tease

  THE ULTIMATE DOG TEASE A talking German Shepherd . . . and his reactions are priceless. Click here to see the video:                 View fullsize     Talking Animals T-shirts and human merchandise.All profits donated to the Nova Scotia SPCA:           o…

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10 Amazing Benefits of Meditating Every Morning

10 Amazing Benefits of Meditating Every Morning by Light Watkins My morning routine has been the same for years: I wake up at around 6 a.m. in eager anticipation of my first meditation of the day. I start by freshening up in the bathroom, then I go back to my bed and sit with my…

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The Deadly Side Effects of Drinking Soda

THE DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS OF DRINKING SODA View fullsize by Dr. Bruce Figoten It is widely known that soda, diet or otherwise, is bad for your health.Drinking just one can a day will produce a few negative effects. The effects of soft drink consumption on the human body is downright scary. Sodas have high levels…

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28th Annual Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat

  FALL RETREAT PROGRAM UPDATE   Hello Sacred Path Community, We are fast approaching our 28th Annual Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat commencing next week on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 4pm.  Preparations for a full and fulfilling program are underway, including a vast array of processes to allow and support the depth of the work…

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