Please help one of our young Spiritual Warriors . . .
Dr. Stephen Johnson
Please help a young Spiritual Warrior . . .
I am asking for your help to support one of our young men who is on a mission. Many of you, who have attended our Call to Adventure Retreats over the years, have met Artwan Green. He attended his first CTA retreat when he was barely 12 years of age. Now 23, he has graduated from high school and has just recently earned his Associate of Arts degree from New Mexico State University; and furthermore, he is on track to attain his B.A. in Psychology this coming year, with our support. We consider him to be one of our success stories.
He grew up in South Central Los Angeles without his father and very little consistent or stable family support. He had belonged to a gang at one point because his life was at risk on a day-to-day basis.
Artwan has stayed the course and has chosen his Path in life. He aspires to go to medical school and to work as a pediatrician who treats children in parts of the world where medicine and resources are in short supply. Those of us who have come to know and admire Artwan want him to succeed. He has made many friends among us and considers The Sacred Path Community his safe haven, his home.
This is a young man with a future. He’s going to work again this summer at a camp in Pennsylvania. He was Assistant Activities Director last year and was impressive. This year, he has been rehired as the Director of Activities. Artwan is definitely a brother who deserves our assistance.
If you have the ability to make a donation in any amount, please don’t think that it won’t make a difference, because whatever you can offer will make that difference. Artwan did not have financial aid for the past year and on top of a full course load was working two jobs with the intention to be fully self-sufficient including paying his own tuition. He went into debt and has until August 1st to raise the funds in order to be able to register for the fall semester.
It will happen as long as we unite as a community and as long as each and every one of of us gives whatever we can. It all adds up so every amount donated contributes to the total needed. We came together before to help him in the early phase of his college career and we can do it again, this time to help him cross the finish line. Thanking you in advance for your mindful consideration and generous support of this budding spiritual warrior. Please go on to read his request message and listen to the podcast interview with Artwan.
In gratitude,
Artwan Green
Hey friends and family,
My apologies for the inconvenience. My page was down because the site manager needed more information for the withdrawal process of the money. I want everyone to know that the money that is accumulating In this account will be used towards my school balance account and nothing else. I appreciate each and every donation and prayer that has been sent my way. I am currently at Camp Weequahic in Pennsylvania working to promote growth in our leaders of tomorrow and teaching them about Gratitude, Attitude and Courage. We have a no cell phone policy and we are allotted 5 off days the whole summer. Sorry if i have not been in contact with anyone but I am very appreciative for everything you guys have done. Thanks!!!
Donate to Artwan’s Account Balance at NMSU
Please click here to go to Artwan’s special tuition balance account. Any amount is gratefully appreciated.
In this special Podcast episode recorded at the 2015 Spring Sacred Path Retreat Dr. Stephen Johnson and co-host Derek Zimmerman welcome Artwan Green, a remarkable young man who has overcome the many obstacles of growing up in the inner city to become the man he is today. His story and perspective on life are truly amazing and we know you will be captivated by this discussion. Click here:
MCLA Podcast #3: THE MINDFUL MAN — Episode #3: Artwan Green