Register Now For Fall 2015 Sacred Path Men’s Retreat

It’s just over one month away:
October 15-18, 2015

Mark your calendar now for our upcoming 28th annual Sacred Path Fall Men’s Retreat, a fantastic opportunity for you to spend time in the presence of other good men, men of different ages, backgrounds, experiences, successes and challenges. The theme is “Healing the Father Wound: Accessing Authentic Power.”

(Excerpts from “The Sacred Path” by Dr. Stephen Johnson)
Why are so many men anxious and depressed, or rageful, without even realizing it? It springs from apainful longing for the unfulfilled relationship with the father, a core wound in a man’s psyche known as the Father Gap. Many males, of all ages, carry this secret wound that was inflicted upon them by a father who was heavy handed or went over the top, crushing the boy’s spirit, or by a father who was missing in action and goes down and out of his son’s life. Males often bear unspoken shame and grief from having missed out on a loving and caring relationship with their fathers.

Each and every one of these men has been called to be on the mountain with you, to get in touch with his inner self, to see the world through different eyes, to encourage and support all the other men on their unique journeys in this particular lifetime. Would you like to be a better man? Would you like to receive answers to deep, inner questions about life? Then, go ahead, be bold, mark October 15-18 on your calendar and make plans now to join us on the mountain. It could very well change your life.

Click here for details:

The Sacred Path Retreat is a four-day experience set in a supportive environment where you can connect with your authentic self within a context of honor, acceptance and understanding. This event is held on a mountaintop overlooking the coastline, beyond the Malibu city limits in Ventura County. Food and lodging are provided.  Incredible breakout sessions, authentic Native American Inipi sweatlodge ritual, mindfulness meditation, no-holds-barred talk about the challenges of being a mindful man, and much, much more. An amazingly enriching experience is promised. An adventure of self-discovery is guaranteed. Come join us.

Click here to RSVP: 

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