22 Life-Changing Lessons From “The Motivation Manifesto”
22 Life-Changing Lessons From “The Motivation Manifesto”
by Laura Probert MindBodyGreen.com
Have you ever read a book and wished you’d written it yourself? For me, that book is Brendon Burchard’s The Motivation Manifesto — a compelling primer on how to overcome self-doubt and establish personal freedom.
I’ve dedicated many years to studying the art of training my mind, feeling my body, and untethering my soul, and this book’s powerful words had me constantly nodding my head.
Brendon Burchard — an acclaimed author and motivational trainer — really gets what it means to be a warrior (he survived a life-threatening car accident at the age of 19), and he’ll guide you on your journey to becoming one as well.
Now take a deep breath, sink down deep into the center of your body, and read these 22 quotes and take-aways from an utterly inspiring text.
Magic is about living in the moment.
1. “We are not slave to our history. We can be freed by our conscious thoughts and disciplined habits.”
In other words, a new level of awareness materializes when you start actively training your mind and developing habits.
2. “If we are not vigilant, being around constant worry can quickly limit who we are and what we might be capable of.”
Whenever possible, choose to surround yourself with people who are positive and purposeful.
3. “If yesterday’s hardships are stealing our aliveness today then we must seek another level of consciousness.”
If you’re still living in the past and letting outdated thoughts, beliefs, and memories drive your present, wake up and recognize that you’re sabotaging yourself.
4. “What can I focus on in my life this exact moment to sense some peace, gratitude, or enthusiasm?”
You have the power to choose your next thought. Choose a good one.
5. “Am I feeling this life?”
Brendon poses some great, big questions through the course of his book, and this one is fantastic because it asks you to get in touch with your underlying feelings. I’m a big fan of using these conceptual questions as journaling prompts.
6. “Avoidance is the best long-term strategy to ensure suffering.”
Oh my, are you feeling this one? Stop procrastinating — even on the stuff that scares the shit out of you. Face it. Get it done. I promise you, the solution to your fear lies in the middle of your action.
7. “Be a guardian of your own mind, body, and soul.”
This quote speaks to a deeper level of self-care. In life, we have to be our own guardians and fiercely protect ourselves and our territory.
The solution to your fear lies in the middle of your action.
8. “Be aware of the information entering your mind. Seek empowering information that moves your life forward.”
This quote speaks to all those moments that we ruin with negativity. (I’m thinking mostly about television and media.) Turn the distractions off and go do something more positive and inspiring with your time.
9. Take positive, meaningful action.
This is my interpretation of Brendon’s take on action. Remember, you can create your own definition of “meaningful.” And when you combine it with positivity and purpose, you have a magic wand in your hands.
How many actions do you take every day that aren’t meaningful, positive, or purposeful? When you realize all the opportunities to shift your purpose, you’ll get excited.
10. What are you asking for?
Throughout the book, Brendon challenges readers to analyze what they’re asking for with their actions. What do your actions point to? When you take a look at how you spend your time and who you spend it with, you’ll figure out what you’re actually asking of the Universe.
11. Love is the divine essence or thread that connects us all.
Brendon does a lovely job talking about the energy of love. When you realize that love is a never-ending source of clarity, you’ll wake up to the fact that you’re getting in the way of its flow. Open yourself up to giving and receiving love.
If you are awake, you have a choice.
12. Don’t make me guess about what ignites your soul.
Brendon’s words demonstrate the importance of speaking up for yourself. How will people ever know what you’re all about unless you say it? Be brave!
13. “Don’t limit your vision based on the number of people who nod.”
Wow, you gotta be feeling this one with me. Don’t make your dream smaller because you’re waiting for someone else’s approval.
14. Revive the magic.
Magic is about living in the moment and remaining aware of everything around you. Brendon encourages readers to revive that feeling inside and look for magic everywhere.
15. “To master life is to transform the energy we feel at any moment into cheerful engagement and deep appreciation.”
If you are awake, you have a choice. When things don’t feel right, you can transform the energy of fear into joy.
16. “Freely chosen attitude is a treasure available to us all.”
This is another way of saying that we have the choice to think, believe, and act in any way we deem good, better, best for us.
It takes a warrior to stand up for what matters.
17. “Don’t become a catastrophe of energetic conformity.”
I love when Brendon talks about how it’s possible to get carried away in other people’s energy. Just because everyone else is being negative, hateful, or ungrateful, doesn’t mean we have to be. Don’t let the energy of other people waste yours. Be vigilant about this. It takes a warrior to stand up for what matters.
18. Make enthusiasm a practice.
Whatever way you want to feel, make it a practice. It’s in that disciplined behavior that your life will start to change.
19. “Let us master the art of curiosity, release, play, and cheerful engagement of the moment.”
In this case, Brendon is referring to the energy of a child. He asks that adults resort back to this art and use its energy to infuse moments and change focus.
20. “Meet struggle with intense and spirited joy.”
I love this one. It’s so easy to meet struggle with anxiety, sadness, resignation, doubt, or fear. We’ve practiced that too much — let’s try something different.
21. “Struggle does not always have to equal suffering.”
We are all conditioned to believe that the struggles and problems we face are against us, but what if they are here to teach us how to grow and evolve?
22. Awareness + Discipline = Freedom.
And lastly, this is a formula I put together after reflecting on the book’s teachings. The Motivation Manifesto is all about finding the personal freedom to be a warrior in your own life and achieve your dreams to make the world a better place. What better way to live?
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Read Laura’s original article on MindBodyGreen
LAURA PROBERT, MPT, is a holistic physical therapist, published author and awareness coach. She’s serious about integrating mind body and soul as a journey to passion and power, and she’ll show you how. She works to help you wake up, be brave, heal your shit and do what your love so you can share your message with the world. She’s a contributor for The Huffington Post, Wild Sister Magazine, MindBodyGreen, The Wellness Universe, Tiny Buddha, Black Belt Magazine and Elephant Journal, among others. When she’s not writing you’ll find her with her kids, dogs or a horse or taste-testing dark chocolate. Find her Writing for Warrior Healing workshops and programs at LauraProbert.com and on Facebook.
BRENDON BURCHARD is a #1 New York Times best-selling author of “The Manifestation Manifesto,” as well as Life’s Golden Ticket, The Millionaire Messenger, and The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives that Make You Feel Alive. He is also the founder of High Performance Academy, the legendary personal development program for achievers, and Experts Academy, the world’s most comprehensive marketing training for authors, speakers, life coaches, and online thought leaders. Click here for “The Manifestation Manifesto.”